Sunday, January 24, 2010

Quiz Me, Squeeze me

"A Little Civics Quiz"- 17 out of 33 correct gives me a score of 51.52% (heh, wow).
I apparently have my work cut out for me this semester. I can't believe an American person with a High School Diploma doesn't know ALL of these answers. We need to just imitate the Japanese Secondary School model and raise the bar!

"A Little Current Events Quiz"- 38% puts me 10% higher than the average score earned by a person in my age group (18-29).
On average, people my age did worse than I did. Thank goodness! I am surely inspired to pay attention this semester, and start reading the paper perhaps. Although, I am not sure I can overcome my fear of the government endorsing certain messages in the media. I don't want to just go out and seek today's propaganda (yes, propaganda!). I suppose I will attempt to learn as much about today's world, and act oblivious to the very real possibility that much of what I will learn is false or at least altered. What can you do? Nothing!

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