Monday, January 11, 2010

Am I political, per se?

I have never given a great deal of thought to my political affiliation or ideology, so it was inevitable that this class would inspire me to find out how I feel about things. I didn't know where to start, so I took 7 political questionnaires to see if there was any continuity among them.
All that I learned is this; leading questions lead to desired results. I scored all over the place. I still have no idea where I stand. My goal for this semester has become, in part, to figure that out. I have considered myself a Republican since high school, for the most basic reasons, but I am starting to think more and more that I am a libertarian. Anyhow, here is what I discovered. Please keep in mind that you may end up with consistent results simply because you are familiar with political terminology. I had to google a lot of the words and concepts I was being questioned about, rather then answer based on a firm grasp of them. I am going to repeat the experiment at the end of the semester and see if I come up with more consistent results, due to a firmer grasp on the concepts being presented.
According to Advocates For Self-Government's "The World's Smallest Political Quiz", I am a Right-wing Conservative. I find this interesting, and perhaps not light-years from the truth. According to The Political Compass, I am a neo-lib. This is also within the realm of possibility, as odd as it may sound. I really have a lot to learn, so one never can tell. According to, I am a fascist! (Communist was a close second...scary). Right then- moving on. According to BlogThings, I am a "Don't Tread On Me Libertarian". According to, I am an Anarchist. Haha! I am really starting to enjoy this process! According to All The Tests, I am a Democratic Socialist. Interesting. Finally, according to ProProfs, I am a Libertarian. Wow. Well, that's all she, I wrote. This wasn't assigned, but come on, people, let's try to have some fun being bloggers!
If you have the time, and the patience for some poorly designed quizzes, please be obliged to do all 7 of these and post your result as a comment on this blog, so that I can see how other people fared. Thanks for reading!

Sincerely yours,
Ashley L. Brock

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