Monday, February 15, 2010

More Troops Into Afghanistan

When President Obama ordered 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan, Republicans applauded his decision, while Democrats were left to ponder their reservations about the idea. In a recent USA Today article by Mimi Hall, both sides of the debate over this issue are offered in a non-biased manner, which makes the article viable and worthy of reading. The Republican Party platform supports the US occupation of Afghanistan, on the basis that is the responsibility of Americans to help third-world countries become self-sustaining democracies. The Democratic Party opposes the surge in troops headed to Afghanistan, because of the massive spending, which is not at all in keeping with the Democratic ideals of fiscal responsibility. Everyone should take a few moments to read this article, as it contains pertinent and valuable data concerning Obama's decision to push the number of troops in Afghanistan up to 100,000 people, in order to firmly secure the safety of the American people (he was addressing the students at West Point, and hinted at 9-11).

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